Self-Reflection is the Best Friend You Can ALWAYS Count on


Think about the best advice you’ve received throughout your life…advice that you actually listened to and followed through with. In most cases, that piece of advice was something that you agreed with, or in fact, thought of yourself, and that person confirmed the idea you already had in your head, so it was easy to adhere to it. This, in fact, is a form of self-reflection, believe it or not!

Self-Reflection: A Pathway to Your Inner Voice aka True Best Friend

Use self-reflection as a process to hear your inner voice. A gauge of what’s right and wrong…your subconscious…your inner bestie, as I like to call it! Self-reflection is one of those personal tools that will have you putting yourself first and investing in your greatest commodity, YOU!!! And if it’s about YOU, YOU know I am here for it!

We have to take care of ourselves ladies, and one way we can do this is by spending a bit of time reflecting

  • on our day
  • what our goals, hopes and dreams are
  • where we see ourselves in the next 5 years
  • the children we want to raise
  • the spouse we want to have
  • or even, the relationship(s) we want to maintain or leave

Self-Reflection increases SELF-AWARENESS

Self Reflection allows you to tune into who you are.

  • What are your strengths?
  • Challenges?
  • Likes?
  • Dislikes?
  • What motivates you?
  • What gets under your skin?

The more you know about YOU, the better you can handle any situation that comes your way. This would be due to the fact you know what you want, or better yet what you need. So, you don’t have to waste time or energy on people or things that are not in alignment with what you have set out for yourself. But if you do, you must also be prepared for the road that lies ahead.

These are all the things and decisions you can be informed about making by simply reflecting on them! You will lead a much happier life, girl…and you know why?!?!? Because life will no longer just happen to you, you, my dear, will be in the driver’s seat deciding and articulating what you want after careful discussion with yourself! This is what I’d like to call emotional intuition.

Self-Reflection increases PRODUCTIVITY

Think for a moment about your current job:

  • Where you are?
  • Where would you like to be?
  • How will you get there?
  • What assistance would you need?

This is not to say that you have to be striving for a higher position, either. I am an educator. I happen to know many educators who are happiest while teaching and don’t have the desire to become an administrator. Even if this is the case, I’m sure there is something you’d like to do better within your practice. And if not, that’s what your reflection time is all about!

Surface those ideas you have for yourself in order to improve how you go about completing your tasks at work. If that’s something that you desire to do. If not, I’d say that you’re probably not in a career that you actually are passionate about. And in this case, I’d encourage you to read more about figuring out if your job is what you actually WANT to do.

Reflection can also assist with those co-worker relationships OR the “role” you play in the office dynamic. This simple, but targeted tool of reflection can help you make better decisions, maximize your time and attention to tasks, and even establish better working relationships. All of this encompasses creative intuition.

Self-Reflection increases VULNERABILITY

The more you practice self reflection, the more vulnerable you become to

  • your most inner thoughts
  • your deep, darkest secrets
  • the things you may not want to confront so you keep life BUSY so you don’t have to

I call that last one living in a fantasy, girl. I like to do it too because it’s EASY!!! But whenever you’re ready to confront the real, hard truths, they’ll be right there waiting for ya! Have you ever had someone tell you something that they want for themselves:

  • Physical– car, house, more time doing ______?
  • Emotional– me time, forgiveness, connecting more with spouse?
  • Spiritual– going to church, praying more, meditating?

While this person is pouring their heart out to you, immediately (or soon thereafter), you can see the road blocks standing in the way of that person accomplishing the very thing they are saying they want to do. It’s crystal clear to you the steps they might need to take, why it won’t work, or why it might be doable for them.

In this case, you’ve given yourself permission to analyze the situation and have made your decision. The time and energy you spent on doing that for someone else, invest this in yourself! Become crystal clear about what you want and the steps you need to take to make it happen.

Own your successes and own your mess. They all make up the wonderful person you are. Applying this to your reflection process will bring out your leadership intuition. You will be the leader of your life!

Self-Reflection increases HONESTY

If there is one thing I need in my life, that’s honesty. I can’t live without it because I don’t know any other way to be. I love people who can be their authentic selves, the “take me or leave me” attitude. This way, I always know what I’m going to get from them.

One way to build this is by reflecting. Once you know exactly who you are, you aren’t concerned about the people that your personality/lifestyle choices don’t work for. But rather, invest your energy into the people that get you. Just like me! I’m investing myself into to YOU because YOU will (hopefully) benefit from it.

Reflecting on your life, actions, goals, and how others fit into all of that allow you to build that life intuition that we all desire. Life isn’t just happening to you, you are the one in charge of it.

You’re naturally an intelligent woman. Adding the art of self-reflection to your personal tool kit to will increase your intuition: emotional, creative, leadership and life. Self-reflection is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and others. It grounds you and the relationship you have with the world aka your inner best friend!!!

Drop a comment letting me know which intuition is your strength and which one you’re struggling with at the moment. I’d love to hear from you!

Your inner best friend can vibe to this…

*I do not own the rights to this music.

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