Supporting Women to Love Themselves More NOW…

3 Reasons Why I’m Super Passionate About This

Heyyyyyy FRIENDS!!!

My name is TK… I’m a wife, mother of three (crazy, loveable & all-consuming) children and an educator.

Here on TK Love & Lifestyle is where you’ll find supports for you on loving and taking better care of yourself. You, my future loyal readers AKA my LOVERs: Ladies Organically Vibing and Encouraging Relationships, are my primary focus. You should know that I’m super stoked to be able to walk with you through life’s journey. This is all in the hopes of inspiring you to lead a more YOU-CENTERED life.

YOU being happy makes everyone in your life better…your significant other, your kids, your co-workers, etc. The ultimate goal here at TK Love & Lifestyle is to support you with building a life where YOU make your all dreams come true.

No one else…just you!!! All of my support will be in highlighting the badass you already are first. And then pushing you further into your goals, dreams and life’s purpose.

Supporting Women to Love Themselves More | 3 Reasons Why I'm Passionate

1. My Life Experiences

I will NEVER claim to have life all figured out. But, I will tell you that there’s true passion behind my site. I have always innately felt a pull to help people, particularly women and children. This is my purpose! And while this new venture is a VERY scary thing, it is also sooooo exciting!!!

I’ve ‘always’ seemed to make great choices for myself. And even the not so great ones have resulted in key life experiences. One could argue that I just leaned into my purpose or that I followed God’s path for my life. Nonetheless, I’ve had to do a lot of work to get where I am now in all facets of my life. And, guess what?!? I still have lots more work to do!!!

Why now? Why? Oh, Why?

First, I want to share that my life wasn’t always ideal (or not how I would’ve liked it). As you read my posts and connect with me, I’ll share some of what those experiences have been for me. I had to sit in circumstances I could not change, at least not immediately. Because of this, I decided that once I could have control of my life, I would take full advantage by:

  • Doing what I wanted to do, when and how I wanted to do it (makes me a very stubborn person at times, just ask my husband)
  • Being successful at whatever it was I was doing (I vowed I would be at least good/great at it)
  • Going ‘balls to the wall,’ which means I’m all in or not at all (I don’t know how to do halfway with anything-a gift & a curse, particularly with people and relationships)

All of my years and experiences have led me to where I am today. I am proud to say that I’m a goal-driven person that is genuinely happy with most aspects of my life. My happiness is a result of the life lessons I’ve learned. And how I CHOOSE to apply them on a daily basis. Happiness isn’t just something that happens to us. We each have to take control of our lives and what we want. Not just talking about it, but being about it!!!

2. The Struggle is Real

Next, I also know first hand what it feels like to struggle. Struggle to “find” myself, to be happy, to find a husband, keep friends, figure out what I want to do with my career, being a mom, and the list goes on. Social media will have you believe that we, I mean ME, have it all together and things are perfect.

I want to stress the point that: LIFE WILL NEVER BE PERFECT, but it can be PERFECT FOR YOU or DESIGNED PERFECTLY BY YOU. And that can and should be the focus. Striving for perfection usually leads to the feeling of never being or having enough. This can then fuel the fire for insecurities. And I’m certain that’s not the cycle/path that you want to stay on.

The one takeaway I want you to have if nothing else is that: You are the foundation for the greatness you wish you have flourishing in your life. I have a deep understanding of struggle, how to move towards and past it, and what it feels like on the other side. And because of this, I am thrilled to help others feel that same sense of accomplishment!

3. Having Support is a Game Changer

Lastly, there are times in our lives, where we all need a bit of support. Now support can be in a variety of ways:

  • physical
  • mental
  • spiritual
  • financial
  • or a combination

That support can sometimes be a major factor in your success (or at least the feeling of it). And so that is what my site will provide. It will be the extra push you may need at times with LIFE, particularly as it pertains to loving yourself.

Self-Love & Self-Care is the Foundation

Supporting Women to Love Themselves More | 3 Reasons Why I'm Passionate

The love and care you have for yourself is the foundation for ALL of the relationships in your life. If you don’t take care of you, how can you expect someone else to? If you don’t consider your own thoughts, feelings and beliefs, how can you anticipate that the world will do this for you? Something you’ll probably hear me say a lot (or read a lot 😆) is that: You have take full control of your life and get back in the driver’s seat!

It’s ok if you don’t know exactly what that means for you at this point, and maybe everything won’t be for you or for right now. Trust that I know at this point in my life, I AM NOT FOR EVERYBODY. And I’m A-okay with that!

I say that not to offend, but rather, give you perspective. I don’t expect everyone to agree with my methods or suggestions. Just know that I am coming from a place of love and positive intention. My deep desire is to support you on your journey. And on this journey, we will work on enhancing the aspects of your life that you WANT to improve.

Right Here, Right Now

Lastly, I just have to tell you that I’m so glad you’re here with me, right now, in this moment. From the bottom of my heart, know that I have crafted this message for YOU so you can get a glimpse of the woman, me TK, behind the message. Join me as we grow, love, educate, advise, and experience life’s successes and challenges together. I look forward to being someone you can count and lean on.

What’s Next?

My site is broken up into the following categories: Self Love, Relationship Love, & Lifestyle Love. Feel free to explore at your leisure some of the resources I already have in place. If there is something you like to see more of, just let me know. As your new Love & Lifestyle Coach, I will be providing what’s most valuable for my readers. You can also snag a FREE printout of my three of the most powerful quotes from this post by clicking the link as a reminder of a few key points. This is just a small token of my appreciation for taking your precious time out to engage with me.

Supporting Women to Love Themselves More-Quotes Freebie

In closing LOVERs, when you subscribe and find something that moves your spirit, please share with others whom you think would benefit as well. We’re building a community of awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping, happiness-seeking, goal-dripping women who will do what’s necessary to take action and control of their lives! And I know that’s you, boo…

I <3 LOVERs (Ladies Organically Vibing and Encouraging Relationships)

We’ll ‘chat’ again real soon. 🙂 Feel free to leave me a comment about how life has been treating you lately or things you would like me to consider sharing with you. I’m always open for feedback or new ideas!

P.S. Another passion of mine is music, so I will always leave you with a song that connects with the message I’ve provided you today. Always scroll to the bottom of each post in order to jam along with me! Here’s one of my absolute favs of all time:


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