5 Steps to Loving Yourself More with Intention

Heyyyyy Friends….

Something that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately is how down and “depressing” life can be at times. I say “depressing” because being down and in a funk is extremely different than being depressed and I don’t want to make light of that distinction.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), major depressive disorder affects more than 16.1 million American adults and is more prevalent in women than men. This startling fact had me thinking…how can we as women start to take care of ourselves more so that we won’t become depressed?

This, and other alarming statistics are key reasons why it is so important to take care of yourself, physically and mentally. This all begins with taking the appropriate steps to loving yourself more and being very intentional about it.

1. Self Reflection is a Great Place to Start

Spending time to reflect on your wants, needs, desires, and life goals in a consistent way will have you appreciating you and your thoughts in a profound way. The more this becomes habit, the less outlandish your ideas will feel. So, get to it girl…

The next and natural progression your thoughts will take you is to begin thinking about the “how” and “when” of these ideas. This will open up opportunities to lead a more fulfilled life, all by simply setting out time self-reflection time. I can’t stress this enough…Self-reflection is the best gift you can give yourself. So, make it a habit, OK?!

2. Spending Quality Time Alone

An unspoken rule of self-reflection is doing it by your damn self! You can’t clear your mind of everything life has to offer you during the height of your day. Personally, my quality time exists very early in the morning OR very late at night.

With three children six and under, who would expect anything else, right?!?!?! So, plan what works for you and your schedule. Remember, I said “with intention,” right? So, you have to plan for what you want to see.

3. Practice Daily Affirmations

I am a believer in making one’s intentions clear and purposeful, and one way you can do that is by getting in the habit of reciting daily affirmations. The world can chew you up and spit you out, but if you don’t believe in YOU, why in the heck would you expect someone else to?

BE your own advocate, cheerleader, encourager, reference, etc. You can do and be anything YOU choose. YOU are the master of your fate. Recite those mantras that you want and need to hear as a reminder of your potential. Even look in the mirror as you do it. Let the world hear you roar…Grrrrrr!

4. Ask for What You Need & Want

As my mom would say, “A closed mouth don’t get fed!” You have to speak up and out for what you want. This is not only practicing the fact of speaking up, but more importantly, validating your desires. Sometimes just hearing ourselves say things out loud can be a huge motivator, or even another form of affirmation in all aspects of your life.

5. Be YOU, Unapologetically YOU

It’s the most simple step, but possibly the most difficult to consistently do. Just be yourself! The people who are meant to be in your life will love you for you. Everyone else can just kick rocks!

The made up version of yourself cannot compare to the genuine person you are at your core! The minute you connect with someone who gets your jokes and your way of existing in the world…and just loves it, is usually a person you adore, as you are always able to be yourself.

In taking these simple steps, you can expect to see a shift in your own mindset, and even how others see and treat you as well. As someone who has numerous responsibilities (educator, wife and mother) and people counting on them on a daily basis, it’s important to fill your cup first before dishing out your contents… YOU CAN’T GIVE WHAT YOU DON’T HAVE!!! Another saying momma used to say, which has become one of my own as well.

So, get to it…Practice these 5 simple steps and the love you have for yourself will bloom. I challenge you to try this for at least one week and see how you feel. As a reminder, you can print out my 5 Steps to Loving Yourself More with Intention Checklist to assist you on your journey of self-love.

Let me know which of the 5 Steps to Loving Yourself with Intention will you try first…comment below!

Continue to ROAR girl… Here’s a musical reminder! 😉

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