Love Languages: How Do You Want to be Loved?

Hello Lovely Ladies!!!

Let’s start with LOVE today…You know I’m all about LOVE: being in love, falling in love, loving yourself, loving your spouse, kids, family & friends….LOVE just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

So, I was curious to know more about love and how we as humans demonstrate that love and I stumbled across the 5 Love Languages.

5 Love Languages

According to the book, The 5 Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman, there are 5 love languages. We all have one primary way that we want to be loved, and usually a secondary one not far behind. The 5 Love Languages are:

  • Physical Touch
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Quality Time
  • Acts of Service
four hands spelling out the word love

Think about how you would like to receive love…and I bet you that it is exactly the way that you give it! So, that means if you love receiving gifts, you probably are a very thoughtful gift giver. But, now I want you to think: Is that expression of love working for YOU and YOUR LOVER? Let’s dive in a bit deeper…

I decided to figure out what my love language was and how that knowledge could possibly help me better communicate my needs to my husband in this area. We are generally very open and honest with each other, but no relationship is perfect, right?!?! I figured the worst thing that could happen is nothing, but I was excited at the prospect of my relationship becoming a better one, simply by loving one another in the “language” that suits us best!As a result, this led me to my other bright idea: My husband and I should discover our respective love languages to see which one matched us both! Now, here is where it gets interesting, girl…

So, how did we go about figuring our love language out?

Well, on the 5 love languages website, you can actually take a quick 5-minute quiz to discover your very own love language! After my husband and I took the quiz, the results were emailed to our inbox. I then printed the results (no need to do this…I was so hyped that I thought I would need to highlight and star things, but you can read it on your phone or computer and that should be good enough 😜).

Love Language Analysis

#love one another in chalk on a sidewalk

After analyzing our results, we discovered that my top love language is Acts of Service. My husband’s was Quality Time. We had variations of the other four love languages, but also in the top 3 for us both was Words of Affirmation. We then sat down to discuss these three love languages in detail. In summary, we talked about the following:

  • What we do well in these areas
  • What we can work on in these areas
  • The actionable step(s) we should take to demonstrate this love language to each other more/better

It ended up being an insightful conversation that left me having a new appreciation for my husband, our communication as a couple, and our willingness to actively work on making our relationship better! And I want that for you too, girlie! 🤗

My husband and I decided on 3 things we would continue to do and/or start doing more of for the next 5 WEEKS!!! (I think 3 is a doable number of things to focus on and 5 weeks is what the love language site recommends!) We will check back in with you ladies after the 5 weeks is complete to let you know how it all went! I can’t wait to share our results with you. Hopefully, I have positivity and love to share…this is what I am putting out into the universe!!! Ookkkkk


1 + 1 = a heart which means love

Now it’s your turn to get on this LOVE Train and kickstart defining the love languages in your relationship. You (and your significant other) can go on the love language website by clicking HERE.

Join me and my husband, Idris, in discovering your love languages and then put your action plan in place. I guarantee the conversation alone will be well worth the 5-minutes you took to take the quiz!

The best relationships can always use some reconnection time and activities, so here’s one that focuses on YOU (this is what I’m talkin’ bout 💖), and your spouse gets to take part in making sure your needs are met. It’s a win-win situation if you ask me!

Let’s Get It DONE

So, now that I’ve stated my piece…Take the damn quiz and tell hubby I said stop being stubborn and get to it! It will only take about 5 MINUTES…

Use your love language to foster a deeper connection with your husband. Try this for a little over a month and see if anything has changed between you two. While there aren’t any formal studies to prove the accuracy or effectiveness to all of this, but listening to and fulfilling your man’s wishes (how he wants to receive love) is only going to improve the quality of your relationship. At the end of the day, this is what you should want for your healthy relationship (hopefully)!

I’d love to hear how it went and what your love languages are in the comments section below. Let’s all continue down the road to happiness by taking care of ourselves and our spouses.

See you in 5 weeks with our results! Sending you all light and love on your love journey!!!

Vibe on this, LOVERS… One of me and my honey favorite songs!

5 Weeks Later

After 5 weeks of being more intentional with how we show love to one another, I definitely feel more connected to my husband. I am realizing more and more that our individuality is what makes our relationship as successful as it has been. Discussing our innermost thoughts and feelings helps us to feel more connected and in tune with one another. We will definitely attempt to keep this communication continuous and will revisit this practice (as we slip up 😉).

The most important thing to remember is that communication is the foundation to every successful relationship. The exercise of discovering your love language is meant to spark a dialogue. One where you feel safe to share what you want and need from your significant other.

Let us know in the comments other ways we can support you in your relationship. We are happy to help in any way that we can!